Tuesday, June 3, 2008

more indignant than ever!

in the morning, miraculously, pathetically, i was pretty again: a compliment on my sleep-styled bed-hair, and reassurances of just how unlikely occurrences can be. and caffeine. i laughed, i walked outside, my old self, maybe.

i sometimes can't quite stop appreciating how much i enjoy waking up in the morning-times. like today, looking forward, even, to this: being reminded of my first computer, waiting all night long, while i slept, for maybe twenty pages to be printed. slow-ly. and now the keyboard feels kind of slicky, and i'm becoming obsessed with washing my hands.

what else? oh! this: i rode in the sun yesterday, heard the cicadas and thought that sound to be too loud, put it into my ears as a sound coming out of the headphones. and when we stood in the sun beating down, they swarmed the trees; i could count a hundred in two minutes. smacked into us, confused and nearly blind, likely, red eyes somehow lethargic and harmless. childhands full of crawling creatures, and they didn't seem to mind, didn't notice, maybe, even. as i started to ride away, clouds were gathering, and i watched one fly out of a tree. the sound had died down, almost not there anymore. a car zoomed by (i could have yelled obscenities) and smacked it, big bug creature. the cardriver didn't notice (no, really?) and i did: i watched, it hit the road, skidded, rolled, buzzed to a stop.