Monday, May 5, 2008

yum yum morning times

since i've lost most of my priveleges here, i've spent this morning at work penning my blog entry on strips of receipt paper, and looking for new words by rearranging the letters in signs i see on themilktruck: getmilkloseweight. (bratsclaimfun.kom). i drank milk in my koffee but i think the kaffeine is helping me lose weight more efficiently; i can't stop shaking. yip, yip. i slept three hours, can't see straight. but i feel clever.

and i didn't mean to seem charming, but i somehow gave a man two coffees for the price of three-fourths of one. incidentally i dreamed about serving this same grey haired man coffee a few weeks ago. last night i dreamed i ate a blueberry muffin. weird. i am wasting my time. my dreams bore me.